I've tried mybest to beinvisible.

Saturday, January 31, 2009

godma birthday cake(:

singing bday songs..woo~ she has so many grandchildren..

blowing candles...(my nephew notice mi....)

my nephew(: hes no.4

my nephew no.2

my neice no 2(:

my nephew no.1

neice no.1

snap shot!
yesterday went godma house for dinner.
my godmama birthday...
shes 70 sia...chi say its 七十大寿。。。
hahahas...dunwan say too much le...photos!(:
i missed you so|10:11 PM

Friday, January 30, 2009
shihui's sick...
at the 6th day of chi new year...
dam it..
still need study for comin test...
last time shihui sick...
you were there..
but now..
youre not..
i missed you so|9:11 PM

back from school..
today was such a long long day..
was so tired today...woke up so early..
reach sch so early...
didnt see the kembangan guy for quite sometime le...hahahs...=.=..
not feeling really well today..
as in i dunno why..
art period didnt wan to talk..
dunno whhy..
dun feel lik talking..
shaowei say me emo..
didnt lo..
i did finish my artwork first lo!.
same as last art period..
jinleong keep saying hes god..
and as wat geraldine says...
he speaks eng had this so cute tone..
especially when hes sayys sorry and please..
ohh...today...did sth kinda unexpected for my mood today..
art lesson jinleong went to the balcony??
then mi go lock the door of the balcony.
he didnt even notice lahhs..
still emo-ing outside..
then when lesson ended...he cant open the door..and was lik knocking telling the teach..
andd duhh the door was opened for him..
when he came out...
he thought it was shaowei who did it and chase him round the class...
lik so....???=.=...
then after art lesson..
nothing really funn.. just joke round in sci lesson with mahathir and suhua...lik lol??
then it was recess...im so...i dunoo wat to say...
then its last 2 periods which is IPW...
discussing the project thingy...
and ms kuan was lik saying that we will join forces with 2e5?
sian sia...
i thought it will just be us...-.0...
forget it...we will do a great job anw(:
then...it after school...
was CO games day..
quite fun in total...
just...i duno...
played couple run...then mi nid run twice....TT
then benedict come di siao mi...
was standing with junlong and he was lik...
why dun hole hands....aiy0....
then hold our hands???0.o
hahahahas....hes fun always...
kick him once(:
- ps wors ben... hohoho.:)
then blahh blahh blahh...
went for mass games at 430..
played captains balls..
just that this time theres lots of balls..
thrown quite a no to eugene...and he caught it^^
lastly...went home by my own...
without faith seems weird...
lik i sit there on the seat...dayydreaming?
forget it...im back home...
P.S. kp next time come bakk earlier bahhs...(:
shihui tried her best to treat you as invisible..
and i think i did quite a good job...
just that...
its just hard sometimes...
to treat that i do not care for you
or anything your in with...
i missed you so|4:37 AM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
quite a busy day for mi..
started school at 830...
was seriously not in the mood to read in the morning..
like...comeon...its cny??
talking with fei bout the girl who says she hate "SOME OF THE 1E8 PPL"
i mean we were trying to see who was it..
butt unfortunately...we cant seem to find her anywhere?
i mean....did we do sth wrong sia....whyy hate us..
maybe not mi....butt no idea who..
might be mi too..
she said some...
so watever...
then after assembly went to council room for briefing..
im tired seriously...
they talk and talk and talk..
then im suppose to "follow" the judges around to see the class deco..
i felt im extra?
was lik so afraid they complain bout mi...
ohh...and one of the judges was lik Benedict's mummy?
i mean we were trying to find...
went around at first in a group of six...??
then finally we split as the judges seperates into groups...
went down down down....to sec 2s classes found the judges...and stick to them...
im nervous?
er....not really...
butt quite..
i dunno wat to talk with them?
they dun seem to care wat i said>?
followed them all the way...2a2,2e5,2e6,then back...2t9,2e4,2e7,2e8...
sec2s deco not badd wo..
at least met the standard..
well...2e7 didnt win the deco thingy...
quit expected...
butt we were full of confidence sia..
2a2 won...and seriously they did quite well..
i mean creative(:
then after all that...
went down to ish..
count firecrackers thingy..
they were lik all around the place?
im confused...
seriously m so confused...
their fircrackers were so long??
and at first we dun no how to lik...
worst thing worst..
dunno wats their classes....
we managed to handle it in the end(:
still managed to measure the longest firecrackers...
3e8 won...congrats then...
my class was lik disqualified?
as in our gapp to big?
lik so pathetic?
butt anway...after all that went hall for concert...we miss so much of it...
forget it..
well saw the hip-hop dancers dance...with mr low??
quite cool...
all i notice is they did locking, popping and krump...
which was cool?
then after concert debrief..
the teacher say...we must learn to be lik the hip hop dancers..
be more initiative in doing some stuff...
cause i agree that er..
we did kind of badd when it was to sort those firecrackers out..
okayys...school ended here..
went pri school after that.?
met shijia at tampines then headed off..
when reach pri school..
lik not really gots lots of ppl??
anw...managed to ate my wanton mee..darn nice..
hahahaha...and it cost 80cents only??
then jeremy and xavier reach...and at first we wanted to see the teachers..
but since they meeting then forget it..
went bubbletea shopp then notice its conquered by pupils...
so decided not to squeeze...so went playground to slack...
we had this standard place to slack everytime we came here..
ordered bbt from the back of shop hohoho..
then after finishing it..
xavier...(always the first) went home...
walk him back as usual..
then went back playground slack 45 mins..then off we ggo...
butt....when we reaching busstop shijia said she lost her wallet.
we walk plus run back...
mi and jeremy no breadth torun sia..
and jia was lik so far away?
haiis....finally sort tings out then she notice she left it in pri school?
wentback ?
then she went home after retrieving it..
then when i was asking jeremy to return my hp to mi..
he said he left it inside shijia bag??and jia was in bus 65?
called her and she needed to return to mbs..
hahhas...2 muddle heads...
then went home after that le..-.=...
jia and jeremy reach home safely"(:
thats all for today...
night guys
i missed you so|2:56 AM

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
im back from visiting..
im dead tired y0!.
have quite a great time today...
woke at at 10 plus..
went out with godsis to watch wedding game.
so rocks sia..
not really that nice compared to twilight.
its fun lahhs.
i laugh quite a no of times but my godsis was lik wat are you laughing about??
shop shop shop../
went to my godsis hoouse for dinner..
ate steamboat..
and lots of chinese new year stufff.
darn....i love pineapple tarts.
and the steamboat rules sia..
i played with my nephew and niece and they were so darn it cute?>
managed to carry my nephews...!
i rules sia..
went home at 8 plus..
and now im resting at home..
on my bed finally..
tomorow celebration for chinese new year...
should have quite a busy day...
should be running around...
not even sure going back to mbs tomorow..
well will update tomorow..
im tired today..
night guys (:
i missed you so|5:11 AM

Monday, January 26, 2009
supp...back le..
finally reach home today..
get a bath and finally resting now..
today quite a long day for mi..
was like sleeping till 10 plus..
+ im not the latest to wake up..
my bro woke up at 12 plus..
no its not right to get up so late...butt!!!
we're tired okayy?
anw...went to grandma house first..
slack there till er...3 for 4 plus?
then went home le..
then wait till my gugu come my house..
then after that...went father's office..
then to kovan!!
have dinner at yoshinoya..
today nothing much sia...
just im darn tired...andd!! i didnt get enough hang bao yet..
ohh and...
my legs darn pain..
wear heels then knock my foot at the chair..
and darn theres a scar..
and its so damm pain wear heels..
thats all for today..
nothing much..
continue tomo0row...
night guys(:
i missed you so|6:19 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009
back from reunion dinner...
as expected...
it dosent end well at all..
every single year, without fail...
its always end in a foul mood.
i mean does it always had to be like that?
since i was young...lik 7 plus...
everytime before i reach my grandma house..
my mum will always says this..
" speak whats necessary..."
its like.....this sentence has been repeated continuously every year..
or everytime i go there...
whhy it had to be like this every year?
i mean im like so jealous of those that were so close with their cousins..
whenever when my friends were talking about how they had fun with their cousins..
i will be thinking....
whhy cant i be like them?
whyy am i born in a family that almost breaks?
or does it really counts as a family?
tomorrow would be a new year...
going back to where i just came back..
would it be like today?
im darn jealous of them...
why cant i be like them?
they would be hanging in their grandma house...
playy games...
all that...
butt....whhy am i home so early...
isnt this the day when we hang at our grandma house till midnight?
and count down together?
i just dun understand whyy am i not close to my grandma
but instead im so close to my godma?
ever since young....
i would be with my godma..
my godsis told mi that when im young i would always be at their house and stayed there for 2 or 3 weeks and dosent want to go bakk..
whhy dosent itbe the same for my grandma family.
i tried....i tried my best to be with them
to let them love mi more.
butt it just dosent succeed...
today....my mum had a black face...which she carried it one hour before we were going for our reunion dinner..
after reunion dinner...its still there..
i got scolded for nothing....whenever she got this face..
we'rre not happy whenever theres this face.
i remembered once so clearly...
im so upset about all those words she said..
when i was out on christmas to my godma house
and my father called to say they were goin out for dinner..
and i wan to join...we're a family arent we?
when i got into my father's car we were chatting so happily..
but when we went to fetch my mum...
i had a fight with my bro...
he said " why must you come?"
then my mum said...
"whenever theres you there would be fights..."
i heard this...coming out of my own mum...
am i really that badd?
would you rather not hav mi with you guys?
are you guys better off without mi?
i guess so...
i never nos...
i should learn to be on my own...
without you...
with mi.
maybe i will no that...
i could still rely on myself
although i no it will be tough?
butt at least i tried...
i missed you so|4:59 AM

Saturday, January 24, 2009
chinese new year eve..
been staying at home i bet for whole morning plus afternoon
totally has nothing to do..
im bored!!!
anyone would save mi from this??
going grandma house for dinner tonight..
not really looking forward to it..
i mean is not that im not interested in going..
its just that im not totally close with them?
i dun even really no my cousins?
they seem strangers to mi if i see them in streets
totally have no idea why our realationship with my father's family are lik so badd?
for god sake?
and because i dun really no them
its just lik when i get there
i will have seriously nothing to do
accept sticking to my mum?
or bro?
dun really treat it lik my second home?
just hope that everything would be fine tonight..
nothing badd happen..
everyone would be happy(:
*fingers crossed*
hope that i could get pictures tonight...
continue when i get back...
i missed you so|9:40 PM

im back!!!
anyone missed mi??
realise didnt post for a year...
almost a year..
started to get lazy...
plus lots of jobs and things needed to be done..
so yupp stop posting..
butt anyway...
im back and hopefully i will not be like last year.
well kinda busy with stuff
council stuff??
seriously...in the first time of my life i felt im really busy with something..
council stuff had really occupied my first 3 weeks of school..
since the 2nd day of it...
sec one orientation?? then the audition...the bazaar..
so...im busy y0...
(although its kinda fun playing with them...)
back to study for sec 2s..
andd i really dun understand science?
lik....what the hell was the teacher talking..?
(for ya information...i didnt understand science since....sec 1??)
i really think i hadd to do something bout it..
on the other hand...
i really lik maths...
felt lik its fun?? hahahas.
went back to mbs asfter school...and unfortunately...its closed?
cause of late dismissal?
well...still went back with jia jeremy and xavier...
met jia at bedok..
and she got this darn cute hairstyle?
met jeremy and xavier at bbt shopp...
and as i had imagined...
duhh...laugh bout my hairstyle?
i no its funny luhhs...
laugh all you wan...
i just realise that jeremy really grow a little..
as in not height...
(hes still at short when last time i saw him)
i mean lik more matured?
he hadd this attitude sia...
makes mi wanna slap him..
xavier havent change abit..
still as funny and cute..
as shijia mentioned..
welll i really missed them lots...
till the next time i see you guys(:
i missed you so|12:58 AM